12/01/2024 - CP2C - “Clothed in a Calling" with Pastor Tadd Mann

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12/01/2024 - Coastal Plains Cowboy Church "CP2C" - Boling Texas, USA
Pastor Tadd Mann with “Clothed in a Calling"

Philippians 1:21 (899), Ephesians 4:1-7 (896), John 4:4-14 (811), John 4:34-38 (812), Ephesians 2:1-10 (895), Colossians 3:3 (903), Philippians 1:3-11 (899), Matthew 20:25-28 (751), Colossians 3:23 (904), 2Corinthians 6:1-2 (884)

Coastal Plains Cowboy Church is LICENSED for the music contained in our posted content whether live or pre-recorded. We DO NOT use A.I. (artificial intelligence) to alter our content.
Up to the first 15-30 minutes of our video is our bulletin pre-roll. Feel free to skip past it! Just our way to make sure y'all get the same information everyone here gets and our live stream can kick off quicker.
Numbers inside ( ) are the page numbers for the "Learning the Ropes" bible (NLT New Living Translation) that we use in our church. God Bless!

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