SLOBODNI podcast #96 Odette Wilkens-5G mreža nije sigurna i nije nam potrebna

2 months ago

🙏Počastite nas kavicom☕ Odvjetnica iz New Yorka gospođa Odette Wilkens zastupa preko dva milijuna stanovnika "Velike jabuke" koji ne žele instalaciju 5G tornjeva u blizini njihovih domova, škola, vrtića i radnih prostora. Duga izloženost neionizirajućem zračenju ima negativan učinak na zdravlje, a posebice djece. Zbog toga su sudovi također izdali zabranu instalacija dok se ne osiguira zaštita zdravlja.
🙏 Treat us to a coffee☕ New York lawyer Ms. Odette Wilkens represents over two million residents of the "Big Apple" who do not want the installation of 5G towers near their homes, schools, kindergartens and workplaces. Long-term exposure to non-ionizing radiation has a negative effect on health, especially children. Because of this, the courts have also issued a ban on installations until health protection is ensured.

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