Dr. Richard Urso: The Narrative About COVID-19 Was A Lie From Beginning

3 months ago

11/30/2024 Ophthalmologist Dr. Richard Urso: The COVID-19 story has been a lie from the beginning. The masks are ineffective, the lockdown and the vaccine are a farce. The COVID-19 vaccines destroy the immune system of the human body and are contaminated. And Pfizer puts the SV40 promoter in the vaccines, which causes cancer. People should stay away from COVID-19 vaccines.
#COVID19 #COVIDVaccines #Lockdown #Mask #Pfizer
11/30/2024 眼科医生理查德·乌索博士:关于新冠的说法从一开始就是谎言。口罩是无效的,封控、疫苗也都是闹剧。新冠疫苗会摧毁人体免疫系统,并且存在污染物。辉瑞疫苗中还加入了SV40启动子,会引发癌症。人们应远离新冠疫苗。
#新冠 #新冠疫苗 #封锁 #口罩 #辉瑞

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