Big Pharma Lies

3 months ago

Western medicine was introduced by Rockefeller to sell petroleum before there were gas powered vehicles. He had a monopoly on the petroleum industry at the time. In order to boost sales he created Western Medicine as we know it. In doing so, he educated new “doctors” into his system and made pharmaceutical drugs the only drugs his doctors used. By offering them kickbacks to prescribe his drugs and at the same time cast natural remedies in a poor light as “folklore medicine,” he successfully took over the industry as we know it. Today most people accept Western Medicine as the only medicine available to them. Unfortunately, the pharmaceutical drugs do NOT cure anything. They suppress symptoms and keep you coming back, spending more and more to keep your symptoms from getting out of hand, but never letting your body heal. It’s the equivalent of seeing a check engine light on in your car and instead of refilling the oil, you instead turn off the light and keep driving. Big Pharma is a scam. Western Medicine is a scam. And what’s worse? Pharmakia is mentioned in scripture. The definition of that word is: pharmakia: the practice of witchcraft, spells and potions. You be the judge. YAH gave us everything in nature to heal ourselves. Tell Big Pharma NO.

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