The Fundamental Foundation of the United States is the U.S. Dollar and the U.S. Justice System

2 months ago

The CCP has used its controlled law firms to cooperate with U.S. law firms to "control" U.S. attorneys and their information resources in order to manipulate the U.S. judiciary and various government agencies.
The fundamental foundation of the United States is the U.S. dollar and the U.S. justice system. Many U.S. officials in the Justice Department and government come from lawyers.All the law firms in the United States cooperated with the CCP's 100% controlled law firms, and as a result, the CCP legally gained access to U.S. personal information and top-secret corporate intelligence, including U.S. technology.

美国的根基就两样,美元 和美国 司法系统。美国的检察官和法官都来自 律师事务所,其司法部和政府官员很多都来自于律师。美国所有的律师和共产党100%控制的律师界合作,让中共合法地获得了美国的个人信息和企业绝密情报,包括美国科技。

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