San Franshithole Nanny Caught On Camera Horribly Abusing A 2-Day-Old Baby

3 months ago

Posted • December 1, 2024: Bay area, California nanny caught on camera shaking, punching, and throwing a 2-day-old baby across the room. It's pretty mindblowing that these parents would leave their 2-day-old baby alone with a total stranger. The video of the abuse was so graphic that ABC7 had to edit certain parts out. The girl's parents say they had interviewed the nanny before bringing their daughter home from the hospital. The nanny was reportedly hired through a reference on social media. "We all thought we could trust her. Never imagined something like this could happen," the father said. After they noticed "aggressive behavior" from the nanny, they decided to fire her. They then reviewed the footage and were horrified by what they found. "'Of course we feel guilty as parents." The abuser has not yet been charged.

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