Reporting professional Geologists and shills/trolls to USSF

3 months ago

I'm 100% sure that geology is a psuedoscience created to obfuscate the truth about a massive attack that meltologists call 'The X-Factor Event' which was part of a broader attack known as The Great Reset.

Today I sent an email to asking for their arrest.

Related video which shows clips of Pascal Najadi talking about the importance of reporting criminals to the military during war time.

Email to the military alliance regarding professional geologists and shills/trolls.

Send to:

I'd like to report all professional geologists for pushing a pseudoscience in order to brainwash the people of this realm into misunderstanding what 'rocks' really are.

Meltologists have provided ample evidence that clearly shows these 'rocks' are in fact melted redbricks which were deformed in various ways due to the extreme electrically derived heat which we refer to as the 'X-factor event'.

I am certain that these Geologists paid to lie to students in colleges and universities in order to obfuscate the shocking truth of this 'X-factor event' which we believe to have happened some 200 - 300 years ago(?)

I believe that this 'X-factor event' was most likely an act of undeclared war against the inhabitants of this realm and the realm itself, causing massive, widespread damage and quite possibly a huge loss of life.

I also have plenty of evidence of an ongoing program of propaganda to distract from and obfuscate the plentiful evidence that has been gathered. This is done by pushing fake historical narratives, mandating new building practices commonly known as 'old world fascia' and arranging many 'shills' and 'trolls' to discredit and disrupt our work online.

I also request for these professional 'shills' and 'trolls', along with other individuals both online and offline, to also be arrested for giving aid and comfort to the enemy during wartime.

Enough is enough! The evidence is clear and we wish to continue our important work unhindered by professional, criminal liars.

Yours sincerely

James Cooper
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