9/11 was an inside job 🚨💨✈️ Can't wait to see someone go to jail for this.

3 months ago

9/11 was an inside job

🚨💨✈️ Can't wait to see someone go to jail for this.
Credit to ( Dee5000000 ) 👍
And what happened to the missing triiions of dollar missing at that time? Would info regarding the missing trillions be behind WT7 building going down. Weird! Our government is once again missing trillions of dollars. Where oh where did they misplace trillions? Maybe if do another audit they will find it or maybe just have another major world event to forget about the trillions missing. Lets see. Billy boy says he wants a decade of plandemics terrorizing the world toward their goal of depopulation. Maybe they could make another virus in China. Maybe call it SEERs and have it start in Brazil and then have the shots for it already made up to be injected into the arms of the remaining gullibles of the world. That will get “their attention, next time.” Then they can help reach their goal of depopulation and divert the world’s attention away from the missing trillions.

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