The Covid Vaccine Was Deliberately Designed to Kill People

3 months ago

11/29/2024 Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts: The covid-19 vaccines for the public did not remove DNA contamination during their production. TGA and FDA did no testing of the covid mRNA injections. The injections were deliberately designed to kill people. We got to have the truth. I will continue until we hound these bastards down. We want justice, compensation, trust and accountability.
#covidvaccine #bioweapon #TGA #FDA #Pfizer #DNAcontamination #compensation #accountability #justice
11/29/2024 澳大利亚参议员马尔科姆·罗伯茨:用于公众的新冠疫苗在其生产过程中并没有去除DNA污染。澳大利亚药品管理局和美国食品药品监管局都没有对新冠疫苗进行任何测试。新冠疫苗是被蓄意设计出来杀人的。我们必须找出真相。我会继续追查这些坏蛋,直到把他们绳之以法。我们要正义、赔偿、信任和问责。
#新冠疫苗 #生物武器 #澳大利亚药品管理局 #美国食品药品监管局 #辉瑞 #DNA污染 #赔偿 #问责 #正义
#CCP #ElectricVehicles #RareEarths #Geopolitics
11/29/2024 英国铸造工程师Aman Bhogal:当前人们正在抛弃电动车,原因是价格太昂贵,并且现有的充电设施无法满足需求。更重要的一点是,像稀土、矿物和锂等这些电动汽车背后的核心材料的供应链都控制在中国共产党手中。这实在是荒谬。
#中共 #电动汽车 #稀土 #地缘政治

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