they wouldn't toss a valuable experience if only they knew...

3 months ago

i can't not change it seems
some things have remained for fuckin ever tho
i don't agree w/ coercion
society has been coerced via fomo
gotta have the thing, man
i've always been skeptical about the direction society is going
you gotta be schizophrenic to even consider a question
many will just go along w/ somebody else's idea n concept of everything, they just don't have an identity w/out somebody else's approval or system
i hope you hate all the people i hate
i don't want my humanity to be subtracted
i'd be pretending to not see what i see n i just can't
when you're also drunk you don't care
i am just not wired to do what they do
it IS righteous judgment
no $ honey unlike all these grifters
amazing to make $ making sumin
maybe one of these days i'll make $5

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