Lainey Wilson's Unforgettable Cowboys Halftime Show!

15 hours ago

Lainey Wilson stole the show during the Dallas Cowboys Thanksgiving game halftime performance! In a stunning white outfit and with Jelly Roll by her side, the country music sensation delivered an unforgettable rendition of "Heart Like A Truck" and their hit duet "Save Me." Fans are already calling for Lainey to take the Super Bowl stage! Check out the full halftime performance and see why Lainey Wilson’s show was a Thanksgiving hit with NFL fans.

#LaineyWilson #NFLHalftimeShow #ThanksgivingPerformance #DallasCowboys #JellyRoll #SuperBowl2024 #HeartLikeATruck #SaveMe #CowboysCheerleaders #NFLEntertainment
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