this lighting is just the best, do you feel like you're on better drugs

3 months ago

experimenting, can you tell
i love this synth sound so much
what's gonna happen when the distraction stops distractin ya
i don't like the way i say happen, it sounds pretentious as fuck (tho i do see this as a direct influence from annie clark)
i tried to warn em but why would they start listenin to a crazy person
i can't blame em but i can shame em but what's the point when they don't listen
typically people don't wanna receive negative information about the thing they're doin
what if everything you believe in just ain't true, i realize how scary of a proposition that is
if only i could do this shit on stage
we'll just see what happens
i believe in this can you tell, i'd hope so by now
my whole life is pudding, all types of pudding
nobody's gotta agree cos we validate ourselves
i am my biggest supporter cos i have to be
is everything doing more damage
i wanna get an xray cos we believe in those machines
general practitioners tend to just throw pills at you
bowl n joint n water bong clinic is my house if i still smoked pot...only potheads would find that shit funny
how much better things could be if people only saw themselves
they wouldn't agree w/ themselves as much as their ego might suggest
i do things for the right reason damnit
i make art cos what else am i gonna do, tortured soul that i am
i probably shouldn't kill myself
people shouldn't kill themselves, i josh i josh
stagnation is death, you just gotta move
many have just accepted sinking

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