Geldor - Masters of the Universe Origins - Unboxing & Review

3 months ago

Here we have the whitewashed villain known as Geldor. Originally appearing in the mini comics in the 80s he got his first official figure during the Classics run of figures. Originally he had been one of ten figures subscribers got to vote for as their Favorite to be made, and towards the end when it looked like he was going to lose to the Fan Favorite Illumina, the poll suddenly ended two days early.

Royalty Free Music from Mixkit
Techno Fest Feel by Alejandro Magana
K.O. Games by Michael Ramir C.

#Geldor, #gelder, #Mattelcreations #mastersoftheuniverse #motu #motuorigins #motuc #motuclassics #masterverse #mastersoftheuniverseorigins #mastersoftheuniverserevelations #mattel #castlegrayskull #motuo #heman #hemanandthemastersoftheuniverse #grayskull #Snakemountain #mastersoftheuniverserevolution

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