Anarchy U.S.A.

3 months ago

MLK sold out his own people to the Jews. He was a boule member which is a fraternity filled with black elites that have strong ties with skull and bones and freemasons such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. 

Civil rights activist Ralph Albernathy and Stanley Levison, who was one of MLK's closest friends knew that he had strong ties with the Communist Party USA. The FBI has hidden documents that expose him as being a communist and they were well aware of the fact that he was a serial adulterer. The Civil Rights movement was a ploy to subvert America through communism and destroy White America by promoting multiculturalism. 

This film details the methods of communist (SATANIC JEW) revolutionaries in China, Algeria and Cuba, then argues that U.S. Civil Rights leaders are also Communists using the same methods. Every time the term "Communist" is used, replace it with JEW and it rings the REAL truth!

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