Psyop Cinema with Sean McCann 'The Password Is Fidelio: The Final Secrets of Stanley Kubrick'

3 months ago

"Sean McCann returns to Psyop Cinema to unveil the Fidelio Experiment—which, we are quite confident, is not only the state-of-the-art in occult Kubrick studies but the key to unlocking the final secrets of the cinematic master. Sean first takes us through his long investigative journey, including his previous milestone, “The Butterfly Net,” and explains how he finally cracked the Kubrick code. After applying the password to Eyes Wide Shut internally as well as to the bulk of Kubrick’s filmography, Sean and Brett then compare this grand unified theory against the information provided in Jasun Horsley’s The Kubrickon regarding Kubrick’s early relationships with the deep state and the core Thelemite circle in Hollywood. Finally, Brett highlights the almost completely ignored direct link between Kubrick and the Third Reich, revealing who “the Nazis” really were for Kubrick."
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