Mayfly Nymph

3 months ago

Hook: nymph of desired size, weighted
Thread: brown
Tail: Pheasant tail barbs
Rib: 3/0 brown thread, doubled
Abdomen: white or cream marabou, wrapped
Legs: Pheasant tail barb tips, a clump tied in on each side facing forward and folded back under the head after tying down the wing casing
Wing casing: Same pheasant tail barbs as legs tied back to beginning of abdomen and folded forward
Thorax: white or cream ostrich herl, hackle wrapped

Head cement recipe:
Xylene (epoxy thinnner)

Fill a quart jar half full with Xylene
Squeeze a tube of Goop into the Xylene
Shake until the Goop is dissolved; add Xylene to desired consistency

Apply with a pin or needle dipped in the liquid

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