Divorce Discussion + Legal Update! #divorce #childsupport #alimony

3 months ago

In today’s video we discuss the state of relationships in the US today. No-Fault divorce is TRASH and needs to go! The way that alimony and child support are calculated should be adjusted as well. If divorces WITH children require AT-FAULT, the offending “at fault” party should get nothing.
How many times have we heard about men being “abusive” when it was just the woman not liking their circumstances or they didn’t like accountability for not doing their part?
If there is REAL abuse, sure, the offender gets nothing! If there is REAL infidelity, the offender gets nothing!
We need to start moving away from being selfish and recognize the importance of traditional gender roles and having children. If you want to go have a career, do it AFTER the kids are out of the house. I knew plenty of women who worked part-time while their kids were in school and then worked full time when their kids were grown and gone. Why did we invert this? Selfishness.

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