This is How You DON'T Play Bloodborne (2015) - Death Edition - KingDDDuke TiHYDP # 283

3 months ago

00:00:00 - Main Game
01:32:18 - The Old Hunters DLC (NG+)
02:23:02 - Rage Quit!
02:23:40 - Comments + Justifying the Rage Quit!

Since DSP is doing a 3rd run of Bloodborne for some reason, even though PS5 Pro has 0 enhancements and is stuck in 30fps, here's a death montage of the 1st run. This took a long time to make, even though I watched in 20x speed, it was still 40 hours of footage. I think the 2nd run is even longer, so don't expect that by next week (unless I surprise myself and get it done sooner), but I'll try to get it out before the end of the year.
I this TiHYDP, Phil plays Bloodborne with a ton of deaths, rage, and excuse making with a side of insulting the devs, followed by 60 or so feltings to Ludwig and ending with a RAGE QUIT. Phil plays the DLC on NG+, but doesn't realize the game is harder that way, and doesn't come prepared.
I decided to add a comments montage to the end, and I'm glad I did, as there's a lot of good ones. Sadly, the 2nd run has comments disabled at the time, but Phil re-enabled them hoping to get super thanks, but no one cares enough to comment on a 6 year old redemption run. That TiHYDP will be up next week, and it's even longer, so look forward to it.
Thank you!
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TiHYDPs KingDDDuke (Newest to Oldest) This is How You DON'T Play created by KingDDDuke Playlist featuring DSPGaming Edited Phailthroughs Old and New -

TiHYDP by KingDDDuke Playlist -

TiHYDPs KingDDDuke (Oldest to Newest) This is How You DON'T Play created by KingDDDuke Playlist featuring DSPGaming Edited Phailthroughs Old and New -

#DSPVSLudwig #DSPThrowBacks #TiHYDP #ReallyBadBloodborneGameplay #LudwigWorldOrder

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