Looking At This Contrast, Trump Might As Well Be Sworn Into Office Right Now

1 month ago

Posted • November 30, 2024: It hasn't even been a month since Donald Trump defeated Kamala Harris rather handily in the 2024 election and it's clear the President Elect plans to hit the ground running on January 20th. In addition to setting the stage to deport criminal illegals while promising jail time to any Democrats who continue to harbor them, Trump has already had a discussion with the president of Mexico about the tariff talk that has lefty media worried about the price of their avocado toast: 🚨 Trump announces "effective immediately," Mexico is stopping all people from going to the U.S. southern border. WOW. He isn't even president yet! What an accomplishment. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GdbmwsoXYAAPAt-?format=png&name=small -- It's amazing how taking measures to secure the border can work if they're actually tried.

The only reason the Biden-Harris administration even pretended to care about border security was because the election was coming up and it was clear the issue backfired on them epically. Another person Trump has met with is Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: 🚨 Canadian PM Justin Trudeau has just arrived at Mar-a-Lago to have dinner with President Trump. Trump isn’t even in office yet, and world leaders are ALREADY lining up to kiss the ring. 🤣 AMERICA IS BACK BABY! 🔥 https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1862633786883653632/pu/vid/avc1/720x1280/O_-AFK0e_kR3_kUO.mp4 -- JUSTIN TRUDEAU ALL SMILES AT MAR LAGO WITH TRUMP. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GdnDdFTWMAAehvG?format=png&name=small -- "It was an excellent conversation." - Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on his dinner Friday evening with Trump at Mar-a-Lago (from Saturday morning at his hotel in West Palm Beach.)

Which only made me, and many others, wonder, "wait, who's supposedly still running the country again?" Just move the Inauguration up to Dec 20th already Biden has been rendered completely irrelevant at this point. Joe who? Kamala who? It really is kind of incredible how President of the United States Joe Biden doesn't even really exist or matter anymore and nobody in our media is even asking questions why. All I know is that around the time Trump was meeting with Canadian Castro… er, Prime Minster Trudeau… President Biden was shuffling around a Nantucket bookstore: Bidens shopping in Nantucket -- head into Nantucket Bookworks. It already looks like Trump has done more actual work before even taking office than Biden has done in nearly four years (not counting Joe and Kamala's efforts at starting dumpster fires Trump's going to have to extinguish). Too bad Trump can't just be sworn into office right now to get a head start on fixing all that Team Biden and Harris have broken.

My hope now is that Biden wears a Trump hat to the inauguration. Biden wearing a Trump hat because it’s 2024 and why not? https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1833945692169252864/vid/avc1/360x640/9DBv75JYU6xpqB3o.mp4 -- Do it, Joe -- you know you want to!

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