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3 months ago


The Jesus Strand Part # 1 https://rumble.com/vre77w-the-jesus-strand-part-1.html

The Jesus Strand Part # 2 https://rumble.com/vre790-the-jesus-strand-part-2.html

The Druze have existed (holding the same beliefs they exist in now) since time-eternal, and not only for the 1000 years they were known historically as ‘Druze’. The evidence of such existence is lately confirmed by the discovery of an exact match between the Druze DNA and Christ’s DNA. The Druze of the Levant are acknowledged on an official level to be true descendants of Jesus Christ. The Druze preserved their ancient Gnostic descendance through strict marital laws which they passed on from one generation to another and which they still practice to this day and age.
Abraham Lincoln was Abraham Kahlooni of the Druze Bloodline, from the line of the Davidic Kings and descendants of Jethro, the Priest of Median in the Bible and the Torah (Exodus 2:18). They descend from the Druze ethnic minority that inhabited the Golan Heights area of Israel from the town of Qunaitara & Majdal Shams and before that the town of “Kahloonia” in Mount Lebanon [45 Km south east of Beirut]
Abraham Lincoln had 4 children with wife Mary Todd Lincoln – Robert Todd Lincoln, William Wallance Lincoln, Edward Baker Lincoln and Tad Lincoln two of which were sent to Libya to live – they didn’t die as recorded.
These were William Wallace Lincoln and his brother Tad Lincoln.
William Wallace was brought to Benghazi – Libya in 1863, they changed his identity, and was raised by The Sanussi Royal family of Libya and living in that Country for the rest of his life.
William became known as “Omar Mukhtar” (the biggest figure in Libyan history, they have towns, streets and town squares named after him all over Libya), the great freedom fighter who fought against The Italian Military invasion of Libya from 1911, until his arrest near Caves Valley (180 Km east of Benghazi), on Friday [11th September 1931] when he was defending those Holy Valleys of Marcus the Evangelist, Valley of The Bible and Mary’s Lake in the region of Cyrene 280 Km east of Benghazi.
He was transferred to face trial on Tuesday 15th September 1931 held by The Italian Military Tribunal in Benghazi, the trial ended in just one day. He was sentenced to death and was hung on Wednesday 16th September 1931, (age 81) in The Town of Solluk 50 Km south of Benghazi “US Peridous”- Libya.
William had 3 daughters and one son. Saidea, Gaillea & Mary. His only son was taken and shot by the Italian military police in downtown Benghazi in 1942.
Mary, William’s daughter met and married a Prince – Said Issa H. Kahlooni – from Golan Heights born in the Orchards in Mt Lebanon. The family Tree of Issa Kahlooni is well known in Lebanon Syria and Israel – Issa means Jesus. They arrived at the Port of Derna in Libya in March 1911. They had 2 boys who were both kidnapped from Benghazi, and handed over to mafia boss family Joseph Kennedy and was raised by him and his wife Rose Kennedy. They would later be known as John F. Kennedy and Joe Kennedy. John F Kennedy was raised to become the 35th President of the USA. He is not a Kennedy, he is a Lincoln/Kahlooni.
John married Jackie Kennedy and had four children: Arabella Kennedy, John F Kennedy Jnr, Patrick Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy.
Patrick and Arabella didn’t die as recorded. Patrick Kennedy was flown to Libya.
Joe Kennedy (President John F. Kennedy's brother) was Michael and Charles Flynn's father.
John F. Kennedy was Ezra Cohen-Watnick ’s grandfather.
Tad Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln's son) was Donald Trump and Elvis’ grandfather - now you understand Trump's fascination with Lincoln.
Elvis, Trump, Assange, Lincoln Kahlooni, JFK, Joseph, John F Kennedy Jr and Patrick are all Lincoln/Kahlooni and are cousins. All of them are direct descendants of Jesus Christ's bloodline.

Elvis Presley is the TIP OF THE SPEAR. Elvis was in the SPEARHEAD Division & also kept a SPEAR TIP on his book shelf.
Elvis told us all on August 15th, 1977 via the WOW Signal that he wasn’t going to be dying - ask Howard Hughes.
The Howard Hughes, John G. Trump & Nikola Tesla connection is very important.
That reminds me, the German citizen and a Nazi George H. Scherf Sr. (a.k.a. Prescott Sheldon Bush), who was the father of the Geman-born and worst scum of earth traitor, rapist, human trafficker, a war monger, and a TRANNY 41th President George H. W. Scherf Jr. (a.k.a. Bush), was Nikola Tesla's "assistant". He stole his physics and chemistry research and engineering design papers and sold them to Nazi Germany. Like father, like son. May they burn in hell for eternity.
Otto Skorzeny was Adolf Hitler’s bodyguard and SS spy and assassin, Reinhardt Gehlen was a chief SS officer and assassin. Both of them, together with Joseph Mengele and George H. Sherf Sr. (a.k.a. Prescott Sheldon Bush) were smuggled out of Germany and came to the US under Operation Paperclip.
Otto Skorzeny and George H. W. Bush were instrumental in merging Nazi (SS) intelligence with the Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) to form the CIA with “Wild Bill” Donovan and Allen Dulles. These guys were also part of CIA mind control experiments such as MK-ULTRA. SS officer and physician Joseph Mengele, the notoriously sadistic “Angel of Death” of Auschwitz, escaped Germany to South America after the war. George H. W. Scherf Jr., became the 41st President of the United States as George H. W. Bush and George H. Scherf Sr. (a.k.a. Prescott Sheldon Bush) was Nicola Tesla’s “trusted assistant.”
None of these people (in the previous post ^^^ ) are random - they have all appeared at certain points in history with a mission from Jesus Christ to correct the path of humanity and change history.
Now you understand why the ZionistJews want to destroy USA, destroyed Libya and made sure they took ownership of the Golan Heights - because of their hatred for the bloodline of Jesus Christ.

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