How To Get Satan Out of The White House

3 months ago

Since the decision by the Collective Biden Administration to allow U.S. long-range missiles to hit inside Russian territory, the world has been accelerating towards all-out thermonuclear war between the two largest nuclear superpowers. Russian President Vladimir Putin, in his remarks to the CSTO Summit in Astana, Kazakhstan, made clear the overwhelming military superiority Russia has in terms of advanced missile systems, which is over 10 times what the combined NATO countries have.

Putin said, “As far as the production of relevant missile systems and relevant equipment is concerned, Russia has 10 times more of them than the combined output of all NATO countries. Next year, we will increase the production by another 25 to 30%.”

“Let no one forget about the Kalibr, Kinzhal and Zirkon hypersonic missile systems, which are unmatched around the world in terms of their technical specifications. Their production is also being ramped up and is going at full speed.”

Putin also noted the ongoing transition taking place in the U.S. Presidency, and the attempts made on President-elect Donald Trump’s life. “What struck me most,” Putin said, “and I think you share my view, was the fact that entirely uncivilized means were employed against Trump, absolutely uncivilized, including attempts on his life, more than once (incidentally, I believe he is still not entirely safe).” He went on: “There have been various instances in the history of the United States. I believe he [Trump] is a wise and hopefully judicious individual who comprehends all this.”

This transition, and the next six weeks, is as unlike any other in American history. The mere fact that thermonuclear war is seen as a real possibility by the majority of American citizens, and that there is no clearly responsible authority in the White House that is accountable to the population, makes this situation completely unique. In this changed circumstance, a US-based Italian journalist, Roberto Mazzoni, who has been following recent events of the Schiller Institute, gave the following reply to a listener who raised the common slanders LaRouche has been attacked with for the past 50 years:

“Today the classic accusation levelled against anyone who opposes the official propaganda line is to be anti-Semitic and far-right, so this only confirms to me the reliability of the Schiller Institute. The Independent and The Times are typical propaganda channels of British intelligence, I wouldn't even read them to get weather reports or obituaries.”

The Dec. 7-8 deliberations of the Schiller Institute on its upcoming conference, “In the Spirit of Schiller and Beethoven: All Men Become Brethren!”, are the way the United States can get out of its present trajectory towards nuclear war, and remove the devolutionary cultural wasteland that is now present in the White House.

Speaker: Harley Schlanger

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