Lassssst update bitching & complaining- Thanksgiving style :)

1 month ago

I'm gonna make more Natural Health videos next hahahah but SOMETHING SIGNIFICANT REALLY JUST OCCURRED regarding jealous fake b*tches!

The SAME one (one of many who have F'd me over) who I *just* featured in my recent video complaining... she just TEXTED ME AGAIN, OUT OF THE BLUE, THANKING ME FOR SHARING MY RESPIRATORY HEALTH "SECRET" with her!!! WTF?! So I just wanted to show you... anyone who has been listening to my recent rants! hahahah it's just crazy how I JUST posted that video & then she sends that. I don't think she watches my video channel so it was a coincident reinforcing what I said about being f*cked over by ppl who I HAVE helped.

So hope you enjoy, but get ready for more Natural Health stuff coming SOON cuz I got alllll my b*tching & complaining off my chest FOR NOW!!!!!

I do feel good that I vented, and then got EVEN MORE PROOF!

I did show some pics of my own Thanksgiving at the end too- for inspiration! :)

Anyways, rants over! I hope you all had a HAPPY & HIGH-QUAL Thanksgiving! <3

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