The Battle of Lepanto: The Greatest Naval Battle in History

3 months ago

"There was a man sent from God, whose name was John." - John 1:6

In our video "The Battle of Lepanto: The Greatest Naval Battle in History” you will experience the awe-inspiring victory of Christendom over the Turks at the Battle of Lepanto, a testament to the might of unwavering faith and the blessings of the rosary. Pope Saint Pius V led an army of Christians in prayer, and Our Lady generously bestowed her favor, culminating in a celebrated victory that resonates through the ages. Let us draw strength and inspiration from this glorious triumph!

Thank you to the many preachers who contributed to this video with awe-inspiring sermons.
Bishop Dolan -
Bishop McGuire -
Father Hughes -
Father Zepeda -

We want to thank Jesus Christ and Mary first and foremost, and we also want to thank our Patreon supporters.

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It's time for Christian men to pick up their crosses and pray the rosary every day to obtain peace. We must fight for Christendom and bring the world back under the authority of the true Catholic Church and the best way to start is to pray the rosary daily, Viva Cristo Rey!

Soundtracks are taken from several movie scores.

#TheBattleofLepanto #Catholic #Christian #Warrior #Rosary

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