Video 6: The Method Of Loci

3 months ago

In this video, we look at the origins of the Memory Palace. We discuss what is missing from this story. We’ll begin a discussion about memorizing long strings of numbers and long passages from books.
We will look at the Museum in the game, Animal Crossing New Horizons, as a place to practice the Method of Loci.
And we’ll walk a new path on Memoria.
Also, Happy Thanksgiving! Hope yours was wonderful!

Dream Addresses:
Memoria DA-8686-2923-3655
Paradise DA-5461-7571-7488
Haven DA-2046-0967-5100

The Worm Scene | Labyrinth | Voyage

Memory champion on how to memorize 1,080 numbers - Big Think

How I memorized an entire chapter from “Moby Dick”

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