We Are Handing Over Control of Strategic Resources Behind Electric Vehicles to CCP

1 month ago

11/29/2024 UK Foundry Engineer Aman Bhogal @AmandeepBhogal: People are currently abandoning electric vehicles because they are too expensive, and the existing charging infrastructure fails to meet people's needs. More importantly, the supply chains for key materials behind electric vehicles, such as rare earths, minerals, and lithium, are controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. It's absolutely bonkers.
#CCP #ElectricVehicles #RareEarths #Geopolitics
11/29/2024 英国铸造工程师Aman Bhogal:当前人们正在抛弃电动车,原因是价格太昂贵,并且现有的充电设施无法满足需求。更重要的一点是,像稀土、矿物和锂等这些电动汽车背后的核心材料的供应链都控制在中国共产党手中。这实在是荒谬。
#中共 #电动汽车 #稀土 #地缘政治

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