Free Chicken Feed | Homegrown Xmas Tree | Firewood Emergency Storage - Vlog 8

3 months ago

Winter is truly here to stay and the ground will be covered in snow till late April, early May. The sun barely pops it's head out anymore, but when it does it makes from some truly breathtaking scenery!
This week we got free chicken feed again from the local brewery. If you live near a local brewery and have chickens, we suggest you ask them what they do with their draff. If you don't have chickens, you can use this stuff for your compost.
We're also harvesting this years' Christmas tree from our own land for the first time ever and Caroline and Amber take care of the decorations (not without the necessary fail of course).
Vince in the meantime continues the barn extension, but some of the harsh winter conditions are causing delays, although there isn't really a deadline...
Besides all that we had to get a trailer full of firewood from our storage at our old house, where we had already taken off the roof of the greenhouse last week and slowly but surely take more stuff from to the homestead.

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