Caught a Shark in My Pond

3 months ago

In today’s video, I catch MONSTER sharks out of my pond that have been eating all my fish! I’ve been finding tons of dead fish including rare catfish, cichlids, and arowana’s that were attacked by monster catfish, piranhas, and freshwater sharks! So to save the rest of my fish I used fishing rods, nets, and fish traps to catch them out! After chumming up the water, all the fish started feeding including a huge albino pacu which I ended up catching and relocating to my backyard pond! I ended up hooking another but it was too strong and broke my line! So I had to resort to throwing my cast net! I caught giant gourami, Oscar’s, and cichlids! But after finding more dead fish I decided that I needed to place my fish traps! While placing the traps I noticed a monster prehistoric catfish which I caught with a net… We then left my fish traps there for 24 hours in hopes of catching the monster fish. To pass the time I tried fishing again and I caught a koi, redtail catfish, and MORE! A full day later we checked our fish traps and were shocked at all the fish we caught, including albino plecos and a MONSTER albino shark! We brought back all the fish to my backyard ponds and gave them a new home!
#fishing #shark #monster #sea

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