Discover Advanced Healing Modalities at Staying Alivee Wellness Center in Cape Canaveral, FL!

3 months ago

Mel Carmine is not only a QFS and XRP expert, but he and his wife Amber are also tremendous humanitarians. Their Staying Aliive Wellness Center, which incidentally, I had the pleasure to visit last month while I was in Florida - is an amazing center which employs a revolutionary technology called Energy Enhancement System or EES, which helps the body heal itself and just generally makes you feel good being in this energy frequency. Come on a full tour of the center and all it offers with Santi and Karis from Staying Aliive Wellness Center in Cape Canaveral Florida.

Elisa V’s Information
Rumble: Livin' The High V.I.B.E. Life
The High VIBE™ Show with Elisa V: Livin' the High Vibe™ Life! on Transformation Talk Radio Network (Every 1st & 3rd Monday of the Month @ 12:30 ET/9:30 PT)

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Disclaimer: We are not offering financial nor medical advice in this podcast, we are only documenting our journey and experiences. All opinions expressed by the contributors are their own opinions and not necessarily those of the XRPQFSTeam creators.

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