Flexibility 💗Series ✨11/23/24

3 months ago

Flexibility 💗Series✨11/23/24🤸‍♀️ includes the following:

9 backbend kickovers in sequence

4 backbend kickovers in sequence

Backbend kickover to frontlimber

Frontlimbers through out video

Cyrwheel split arch-back to leg-hold

Cyrwheel split stand scale to ankle-hold

1 arm straddle L hold in cyrwheel

Straddle oversplits and

Straddle double-oversplits

And, immediately afterwards:

Backbend: hands-to-heels (contortion)

#Flexibility 💗Series✨ 11/23/24🤸‍♀️ #9backbendkickovers #4backbendkickovers #backbend #handstoheels #handstofeet #contortionskill #contortionist #contortionpose #backbendkickover #backbending #gymnastics #kickovers #frontlimber #kickovertolimber #cyrwheel #scalepose #flexibilityprogress #onearnhold #oversplits #flexibilityposts #totalgym #straddlesplit #doubleoversplit #backflexibility #legflexibility #casilvermanspins @5410camoteroadsw88030silverman @sundanzz #5410camoteroadswdemingnm88030 #חי

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