Indiana Jones 4 Movie CLIP - Giant Ants 2008 #harrisonford #indianajones #adventure #moviescenes

3 months ago

#IndianaJones #AdventureMovie #ActionScene #GiantAnts #JungleAdventure #CrystalSkull #2008Movies #HollywoodBlockbuster #StevenSpielberg #HarrisonFord #ShiaLaBeouf #KarenAllen #CateBlanchett #SovietVillains #CreepyCrawlies #SurvivalScene #JungleWildlife #ThrillingChase #HeroicEscape #ClassicAdventure #MovieStunts #CGIEffects #DangerousCreatures #IconicFranchise #LegendaryArcheologist #JungleDanger #TreasureHunt #AncientSecrets #ExoticLocations #AdrenalineRush #CinematicTension #MysteryAndAdventure #ActionAndHorror #MovieLovers #FilmFanatics #epicmoviescenes

Production Info:
**Title:** Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
**Release Year:** 2008
**Director:** Steven Spielberg
**Producer:** George Lucas, Kathleen Kennedy, Frank Marshall
**Screenwriters:** David Koepp, George Lucas (story), Jeff Nathanson (story)

**Main Cast:**
Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones
Shia LaBeouf as Mutt Williams
Karen Allen as Marion Ravenwood
Cate Blanchett as Irina Spalko
Ray Winstone as Mac
John Hurt as Professor Oxley
**Production Companies:** Lucasfilm Ltd., Amblin Entertainment
**Distributor:** Paramount Pictures
**Filming Locations:**
Hawaii (jungle scenes), Connecticut, California (studio work)
**Special Effects:** Industrial Light & Magic (ILM)
**Budget:** Estimated $185 million
**Box Office:** Over $790 million worldwide
**Genre:** Action, Adventure, Fantasy
**Music:** John Williams
**Runtime:** 122 minutes

Credit: Lucasfilm Ltd., Amblin Entertainment, Paramount Pictures

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