Tone Deaf White House Cuts Down One Of NC Trees That Survived Hurricane Helene For Christmas Decor

3 months ago

Posted • November 30, 2024: This has such strong vibes of the Capitol in from 'The Hunger Games', we're not quite sure how else to interpret it. For a while, we've covered the devastation of Hurricane Helene, especially in western North Carolina and the aftermath of FEMA's incompetence. There are still people living in tents, being refused the almost useless $750, and discriminated against if they supported Donald Trump. So it's incredibly -- incredibly -- tone deaf for the White House to take one of the trees that survived Helene so they can decorate it (and we've all seen Jill Biden's taste). -- “This one remained standing." First lady Jill Biden received the 2024 White House Christmas tree, a Frasier fir from the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina, a community recently impacted by Hurricane Helene. -- Just wow. The optics of the White House, who has barely lifted a finger to help these people, taking a thing of beauty from them for their own amusement is so on the nose.

It is so fitting for the Biden family to take one beautiful resilient thing, cut it down, use it for their own benefit, and then toss the remainders when they are done. It is representative of how that family has treated the White House and America. “We did our best to destroy everything but this dadgum tree wouldn’t fall, so we just sliced its metaphorical throat to make it submit. As with the rest of our adversaries, it worked. Oh uh…happy holidays!” It's not just that you took one of the few surviving trees in WNC and yoinked it for your temporary lawn decoration, but also that you thought it might improve your image in NC somehow, and that no one in your orbit thought to tell you this looks really bad. Just perfect. Merry Christmas! Really is a *chef's kiss*, no? This is in SUCH POOR TASTE. Why not select another tree from an area not suffering from a natural disaster? The tone deafness of the Democrats party is simply unbelievable, unacceptable, and the reason why they lost the election. And they still don't get it.

Quite symbolic of this administration… “If you remain standing after a tragedy…we will make sure you don’t.” This probably isn’t going to send the message they were thinking about. But it perfectly symbolizes the current administration and the current state of the Democrat Party. This tree went through hell and survived. Just so they could kill it. Yall took the last Christmas tree standing from that community that is still in rubble? -- The last tree standing in District 12 was cut down for display in the Capitol last week, seen here being received at The Residence by Panem’s elegant First Lady. Like we said: The Hunger Games. These tone deaf elites gave us the best metaphor for government. -- The tree: "I faced all odds and survived!!" -- Government: "Can't have that happening!" (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Tone Deaf White House Cuts Down One of the NC Trees That Survived Hurricane Helene for Christmas Decor

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