Three Heroic Doctors, a short Documentary by Cafe Locked Out

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In January 2022, Café Locked Out hosts Damien Richardson, Tom Vogal (myself), and others brought Dr. Paul Oosterhuis and Dr. Mark Hobart to Colac to meet Dr. Denes Borsos. Dr. Borsos had been the go-to doctor in Colac until he quietly began issuing exemptions. Within days, there was a mile-long line of cars outside his clinic, and the police were sent to shut him down before APHRA suspended him.

Why would he risk his career? Why would any of them?

This was our first documentary, and apart from spending over four hours on the road getting there and back, it was filmed in one day. It was a true guerrilla-style documentary during a time when mask-wearing was mandatory—though we chose not to wear them.

The documentary was powerful then, but it’s even more haunting now.

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