NT Framework 66, The Ascension and Choosing of the Twelfth Apostle

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SBC Family,

Every book in the Bible has an argument or point that the author is making. It is discovering his argument (written under inspiration of the Spirit) that is essential to understanding the divine intent or purpose and it is what guides how we are supposed to understand the text. Tomorrow, as we look at Acts 1, we will be unearthing this argument so that we understand the meaning of the text in contrast to many abusive treatments of this chapter to support such things as “the kingdom arrived with the Spirit in Acts 2” (amillennialism) or the idea of “waiting and praying for the Holy Spirit to fall” (a charismatic view) as was seen just a year or so ago at the supposed 2023 Asbury revival. All these views are faulty based on the plain reading of the text. People get caught up in emotion or their theology and disregard the clear teaching of the word which ends up disregarding what God is truly saying, which word is precious and undefiled and should always be kept in mind as our very lives depend upon it.

Our main discussion will involve Jesus’s final teaching, Jesus’s ascension, and the choosing of the twelfth apostle. These are essential to the foundation of the church being laid and the Spirit being given to baptize those who believe into the body of Christ.

In the love of truth and for the salvation of the lost,

See the attached notes for general outline of our study tomorrow.



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