E62 Bonhoeffer and Red One

3 months ago

A movie based on a true story about a hero pastor who dared to stand against Hitler and his regime during World War II, and a Christmas movie about Santa being kidnapped the day before Christmas. These two movies seemingly have little in common, and the fact that we ended up watching them on the same day seemed to be happenstance. It was actually more of a Godenstance. Tune in today to find out how and why, especially before taking your family to see Red One.

Join us, Pastor Penny Schulz and Kristen Scharrenberg, adventurers through the holy lands and warriors in Christ, as we explore the fascinating, the weird, the difficult, and the obscure while unpacking the Bible. Come and see as we dig into spiritual warfare and the fallen angels, aliens and UFOs, the Nephilim or Rephaim, prophecy, angels, giants and so much more! We promise to bring you joy, hope, inspiration, and intriguing, out-of-the box thinking, and ultimately salvation through Jesus Christ.

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