International Public Notice: It's a Stage and They Are the Players By Anna Von Reitz

3 months ago

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Article 5129 Video - International Public Notice: It's a Stage and They Are the Players - Wednesday, November 27, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Remember how the bar attorneys came to England? As the Merrie Men, a Theater Company. In Elizabethan England that had many overtones. As we know, the black-robed, white-wigged Galli, the devotees of the goddess Cybele, castrated themselves in her honor and collected taxes for Caesar from the second century BC onward.

And here they are, arrived in England 800 years later, as a theater company. They were famous for playing the women's roles at a time when public law forbade women actors. They were also famous for their homosexual romps and ability to speak and sing -- convincingly -- as women, suggesting a mixed-bag of Continentals coming to entertain and defraud the unwitting British Public, because Protestant Elizabeth I was in debt up to her virgin rump to the Pope.

They were bill collectors for Caesar. They were and are bill collectors for the Pope. They've always been bill collectors --- and thespians --- and they still are, right here in America.

They entertain us with the "appearance" of justice and "courtroom dramas" and produce worn out passion plays about heroes and villains, non-existent debtors and non-existent indentured servants and better still, non-existent slaves, who are all subject to non-existent "laws" that turn out to be codes and statutes and regulations and anything but law, instead.

So, yes, we have been snookered for a very, very long time, by an ancient network of professional con artists, but instead of getting the joke, we've been taken in by their theatrics.

As we wake up, we are naturally angry to the bone and looking for someone to blame; let's look at it squarely for who the culprits are.

(1) The so-called U.S. Military which has been cavorting around the world as a Great Whore, ready for the killing at the drop of a shilling, but of course, never telling the lower ranking soldiers and sailors the score.

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