Article 5128 Video - About the Use of Time Outs and the Value of Our Differences By Anna Von Reitz

3 months ago

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Article 5128 Video - About the Use of Time Outs and the Value of Our Differences - Tuesday, November 26, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Here I am explaining --again--- the process of how time-outs are to be used and NOT used:

Marshals at Arms are required to speak to each individual and explain precisely what they are doing that is disruptive, and then place them on an appropriate first-time-offender time out, of perhaps a week. If the same person continues the same behavior, the Marshals at Arms may have to address them again, explain (again) what they are doing and why that is disruptive, and give them a second, longer time out to think about it and change their behavior. A second time out might be for a two week or one month period, and so on. Each time the individual repeats their bad behavior, the time outs get longer.

Time outs are most typically applied for "brawling" and "drunk and disorderly" behaviors --- people who can't refrain from coming to our meetings and taking them over with their complaints and anger over their personal issues --- usually while under the influence, but not always.

Refusal to use the agenda process and follow the agenda, chronic refusal to limit one's comments to the allotted time each speaker has, swearing and name-calling in public, malicious physical behaviors at public meetings (slapping, ear-boxing, etc.), refusal to take issues to the appropriate committee once advised to do so, and similar things that detract from the ability of the group as a whole to maintain a positive focus and conduct business in an orderly way can all be grounds for a time out.

What time outs can't be used for --- includes political differences, differences of opinion, censorship, bringing up unpopular issues, "strong statements" which are not to the level of mud-slinging and name-calling in public, and where the agenda allows for it, public debate. Americans are free to disagree and our Assemblies are free to be forums for dissenting ideas, because at the end of the day, the group as a whole is seeking consensus and a well-rounded view of the topics under discussion.

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