New York State Senator Liz Krueger's Bold Plan To Make New York … Canada

3 months ago

Posted • November 29, 2024: Just when you thought the Left's TDS couldn't get any worse, New York State Senator Liz Krueger decided to level up. In a post-election meltdown for the ages, Krueger proposed that New York should simply secede from the United States and become Canadian. She's not overly bright, 'eh? Krueger wants more than the Empire State, however. She wants to take Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Vermont with her. Apparently, when elections don't go your way, the solution is to plant the Maple Leaf flag in America. New York Senator Liz Krueger has proposed the idea New York should secede from the U.S. and become a new province of Canada. We know Canada is … well … Canada, but we're pretty sure they wouldn't want Liz and her band of miffed misfits either. New York State Senator Liz Krueger is now calling for the state to secede from the United States. She wants New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont to form a new province of Canada.

It’s official: Trump broke these un-American Democrats. 🇺🇸🤣 They're definitely broken. A new Canadian province, seriously? Or, here’s a thought, she could move to Canada. Has she ever considered that she’s free to leave the U.S. without needing to take four states with her? Now, there's some sage advice for the big city secessionist. These people are really out of their minds. Isn’t this called high treason? Yep, we remember the Left going wild when internet randos uttered the word 'secede'. Now, we have Democrat officials openly proposing the idea because virtue signaling their hatred of Donald Trump is the only core value of the Democrat Party at this point. Liz sounds sorta insurrection-y. (…)

• More at: Twitchy -NY State Senator Liz Krueger's Bold Plan to Make New York … Canada

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