RMRR Episode 302: The Promises of God

2 months ago

Recorded: 2024-11-26

Host Heath brings a teaching on "The Promises of God". Heath gives plenty of scripture in this episode as he provides Biblical context that not only does God make promises, but He keeps His word, unlike men. By no means is this a complete list of the Promises of God; but Heath explores Old Testament Promises, New Testament Promises and Promises from Jesus. This teaching is a short, but scripture packed one and you won't want to miss it.

ByteTag: https://shop.bytetag.co/
Promo Code: RMRR15

RMRR & Waymaker Merch Shop: https://shop.rmrr.live

Hostinger: https://hostinger.com?REFERRALCODE=1WILLIAMHPA31

Amazing Church CO: https://amazingchurchcolorado.com/
5740 N. Academy Blvd
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
(406) 926-9595

Fam Fusion Apparel: https://famfusionapparel.com

A very special shout out to Rachel Storment and Destiny Music for the use of their songs in today's episode. "Doing A New Thing" is from their album, "Let The Church Say Amen". "This is Living" and "Fresh Wind" are from their Live Performances on YouTube. Please click their links and support Rachel and Destiny Music.

Destiny Music YouTube: (https://www.youtube.com/@Destiny_Music)
AppleMusic: Destiny Music (https://music.apple.com/us/artist/destiny-music/1651883373)

**DISCLAIMER** This video & description contain links to our commercial sponsors. This means that if you make a purchase using one of those links in conjunction with our promo code, we will receive a small commission on the purchase. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue making awesome content like this. Thank you for your support!

RMRR Website: https://rmrr.live
RMRR News & Press Release Page: https://rmrr.live/news-press-releases/
RMRR Podcast Directory Link: https://rmrr.live/2022/11/01/rmrr-available-via-podcast/
RMRR LinkTree (All The Socials): https://linktr.ee/rmrr
RMRR Giving Page: https://rmrr.live/give

Prayer Requests: prayer@rmrr.live
Host Heath: host.heath@rmrr.live

00:00:00 – Intro & Title Cards
00:00:45 – Welcome & Check-in
00:01:07 – Housekeeping (Website, Socials, Prayer, Podcasts, Giving)
00:02:22 – Commercial: ByteTag
00:03:38 – Commercial: RMRR/Waymaker Merch Shop
00:04:08 – Commercial: Hostinger
00:05:49 – Commercial: Amazing Church CO
00:07:10 – Commercial: Fam Fusion Apparel
00:08:13 – Main Show Content/Teaching/Testimony/Etc.
00:23:19 - Heath's Final Thoughts
00:25:18 - Closing Prayer
00:26:14 - Alter Call/Salvation Prayer
00:27:33 - Thank You & Closing Housekeeping
00:28:36 - Sign Off
00:28:52 – End Credits

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