WHERE IS FLIGHT 93? -- "There is no here, here" - Song by GMM

2 months ago

United Airlines Flight 93 supposedly crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001.

The most likely scenario is that the plane was meant to have crashed into Building 7 at the WTC, hence it being wired to come down like towers 1 and 2.

Something went wrong on Flight 93 though, maybe the passengers fought back against the patsies and it had to be shot down or a pilot went rogue, going against the orders of Cheney and brought the plane down, but after the crash they decided to pull the building as post 9/11 investigations would have revealed that the building was wired for demolition.

Song by GMM
There is no here, here

SOURCE: https://old.bitchute.com/video/knLU9ijCpqAY/

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