April Dyck's Collection of UFO Photos - Part 1 of 3

2 months ago

Part 1 of 3. Introduction of April Cotton Dyck
• Brian introduces April Dyck, mentioning her extensive experience with UFOs, orbs, angels, and the supernatural.
• April Dyck shares her background, including her retirement and her work capturing photos and videos of her experiences.
• Mention of her YouTube channel and website where she shares her content.
• April Dyck begins her presentation, sharing her screen to show her photos and videos.

UFO Photos and Initial Experiences
• April Dyck starts with her first UFO sighting at age three, describing it as a small object that could shape-shift and cloak.
• Shares a video of an object in the sky that can shape-shift, light up, and cloak.
• Discusses a photo of an object that looks like a moon but disappears quickly, suggesting that people often miss UFOs in photos.
• Describes a blue orb hanging over a forest, making no sound and causing no movement in the trees, and remote viewing a drawing to understand it better.

Beach UFO Incident
• April Dyck recounts an incident where she and a friend saw a UFO over a crowded beach, which took off when they took a photo.
• Describes the frustration of not being able to capture the entire scene due to the UFO's sudden departure.
• Mentions the distress of seeing a UFO over a crowded beach where no one seemed to notice.
• Shares a drawing of the UFO to document the event and understand its shape and details.

Trail Camera Photos and Beams of Light
• April Dyck discusses her use of trail cameras to capture photos and videos of UFOs and other phenomena.
• Shares photos of beams of light and objects with beams of light, which she believes are not spider webs or other natural phenomena.
• Describes the trail cameras' ability to capture daytime beams of light and their independent operation.
• Mentions the presence of beams of light on deer and other wildlife, suggesting a broader phenomenon.

Blinky UFO and Shape-Shifting UFO
• April Dyck introduces "Blinky," a UFO that has been seen across Canada, which has a spinner and energy around it.
• Describes the pattern of the Blinky UFO, which is known for its blinking behavior.
• Shares a drawing of a night UFO that can change shape into different forms, including a heart and a spiral.
• Mentions the "scientist UFO," which appeared during a cold night and seemed to be a group of scientists checking things out.

Reptilian UFOs and Family History
• April Dyck discusses her belief that reptilian beings operate certain UFOs, based on her experiences and photos.
• Shares a photo of two boomerang-shaped objects that looked like reptilian ships, which were synchronized and moved around the moon.
• Mentions the significance of the time 3:00 AM and the feeling of being called outside during paranormal experiences.
• Reflects on her family history and the possibility of genetic predisposition to paranormal experiences.

April Cotton Dyck's websites are at https://www.redbubble.com/people/aprilcottondyck

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