D7 - Walk-through and Review - Large Grid - November 2024

3 months ago

D7 is a game where the player needs to strategically play 2x1 “pills” on the board in such a manner that each color can only touch its own color. When such a blob reach seven (7) or nine (9) in size, then the blob will disappear. So in this manner, this game is a combination of Tetris, Dominoes and Woodoku.

This game has no advertisements.

This game has no objectionable material.

This game has no music; which is why you hear no sound during the game.

This game feels like a proof-of-concept project which was released. This game sorely could use a tutorial and simple levels so that the player can get a feel as to how to approach levels.

That said, there is potential here.

As is, this is not a bad game to keep in reserve and play it every now and then.

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