3 months ago

There once was realm called Earth. A place where light remained stagment because the entities there true reality gave them nightmares so they decided to live in dreams and they built walls to block truth from getting in. Light became their enemy as the darkness engulfed them it destroys the illusions of the living dead.
I see nothing but the dead everywhere I go. But they do not know they're dead. I try to express this but I get blocked with steal bars. They cannot move on due to the false flashy blue lights flickering from their devices forever just an energy source to an unseen predator. Soon the end is nearing and this chapter is closing. U cannot save what believes needs no saving. So it's lights out. The shadows of what once existed will vanish along with the fragments of what was called Earth. Some stories do end. Glad mines is the never ending story. I awoken in purgatory. A highway that leads straight to hell. I escaped the pit so many refuses to see. I guess it was only me to see 6th sensory. I once thought it was a curse now Eye see it is my anointment, EYE. I am Heaven and Hell. Narrator of my own story. I wrote my destiny. I traded the material realm for my true essence. Now, I watch from a window outside of myself this realm destruction for I am the all seeing EYE.

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