National InTruDucTioN: TrU SkooL 4 Da GiftEd

2 days ago

ThE ProfesSir holds an Orientation az an Introduction 2 Da SkooL 4 ThE GiftEd, 2 PreSent 2 ThE WorLd az 2 WhO ThE S7NZReLmZ CoLLecTive iZ & WhaT WE DO!
It's MorE ThaN jUSt HipHop MuZiK, 4 WE R OF Da Kulture!
~ DivineS7N iZ ThE LeaD EmcEE with Edutainment BEinG HiZ Genre of MuZiK fRoM ThiS Kukture of HipHop.
~ fEYvE & #fEYvEzInaCirCle with ReAlity RaP fRoM ThiS Kulture of HipHop.
~ ThE ProfesSir az ThE HeaD Educator & PrinCiple 4 ThE SkooL & it's CurRiCuLuM which iZ "mainly" OFFLINE.
~ ThE CoLLecTive bringing yoU Various PodKasT Videos from the many Episodes oN FiLe & fRoM Classes held in aRKhaMz JunGle oN Turtle Island.

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