1153 After the Gathering (The Blessings of Abraham) part 4

3 months ago

In 1153, After the Gathering part 4, Reverend Nick Catania continues a series on The Kingdom of God. In this we see the expanding promise of God to Abraham. First he gets the promise of the land. Then the promise of the land was given to his seed. Next, God made a covenant defining the promised land from Egypt to the river Euphraties. Then the promise of a son was made to Abraham and a covenant to inherit the land forever. Next, the promise was expanded to include the land of his enemies. Now the promise is now not to just Israel, but to all that believe. We Gentiles get to receive the promise of God. Why? Because of the stand of Jesus Christ. What was promised to Israel? The land. Part of our inheritance is the land. You are a child of Abraham because of your faith in Christ.

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