Episode 18: IRL video compilation

3 months ago

I have been so lucky to have recently connected with Saint John (thelostprinciple.com, arkgardens.net) and Cory Endrulat (nita.one, theliberator.us) who are both on the One Great Work Network and happen to live near me in Central Florida. I had to take a break from podcasting since I had to suddenly move from where I had been living, but in the mean time, I have been collaborating with both of these amazing people with live, in-person events. I think it's great that we have the Internet to connect with one another but the experience of supporting another in the Great Work in-person is unparalleled.

No matter where you are on this planet, there are ways to connect with some local to you-- like Cory's The Local Liberators Database or Derrick Broze's The Freedom Cells. Or you can start your own Telegram channel. Happy connecting!

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