2024 Youth Conference Revival

3 months ago

The Potter's House of Jesus Christ Church
2024 Youth Conference Revival
Sub Topic: "T.A.G. You're It!"

Our subject comes from the following text:
2 king 2 verse 1-2 & 9
Key Verses: ​​John 14 verse 12
"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father."
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CashApp : $PHOJC
For more information visit https://www.pottershouseofjc.org/offering.html

-Services Are Broadcast Live-
Sundays 12:30pm Central
Fridays 6:30pm Central

Also be sure to visit https://www.pottershouseofjc.org
and check our calendar for latest schedule for our services.

Stay Blessed!
Music Provided by the Whoop Triggerz Plus® App (http://www.WhoopTriggerz.com)

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