Until You Wake Up About Covid We Will Fight For You

3 months ago

As someone who has been aware of this One World Order plan for 35 years, the deep state has done so many horrific things to depopulate humanity. However, I believe that the Covid pandemic ("PLAN"demic by WEF) was the worst plan done by the deep state since the black plague. It was totally based on propogandized fear porn. Beginning with the mandates to force us to wear masks and stand six feet apart (this is part of satanic rituals) to scaring people that they were going to die if they refused the Covid bioweapon, to the mandatory lockdowns which led to suicides, the cognitive dissonance, to social issues for children, and our inability to be with our family and friends, this has to be the most evil act the deep state has done to We The People. Thank God, they didn't achieve their ultimate goal, which was to keep us locked down for ten years. Had President Trump not foced their hand by using Operation Warpspeed, via military vaccines, which many believe was saline, billions would have died instead of millions. Keep in mind that Trump did inform the public that Ivermetine and HCQ would cure Covid, which according to the 1987 Medical Journal is the common cold. The deep state had patents on the vaccine and Covid prior to the plandemic. The WEF warned that a plandemic was in our future. Doctors, nurses, scientists, patriots and Anons warned that it was dangerous, but were censored and many refusded to listen to the truth. When Fauci stated, "I am science!" that alone should have concerned everyone. There was no peer-reviewed scientific data provided by NIH, CDC, Fauci, etc., yet people still believed them. The fear porn was astronomical, causing millions to be deceived.Those who censored and lied to the world will be held accountable for their crimes against humanity. Expect a Nuremberg 2 in the future, because Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming (NCSWIS).

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