A Message from Matty; Sending Out An S.O.S. #TargetedIndividualsUNITE #SaveTheChildren

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The first time I heard about Matty's story my heart broke right in half. I had to recover and re-coop from my own targeted individual #experience to do #this story justice. Matty is experiencing a level of harassment that none of US want to know anything about, because it will break our hearts, but not before it rips our pretenses to shreds and leave us exposed and naked to the TRUTH.

The TRUTH is the number of #TargetedIndividuals is growing by the day, with over 1 million TI's worldwide reported (and countless others that remain off the bookd), these poor souls need our support now more than ever. With the rise in technology and the access it brings, uniting around this #commoncause has never been more crucial!

JOIN US on this auspicious BLACK #FreedomFriday as we expose the silent enemy lurking in the shadows and circle the wagons around Matty and his mother and show them our support. If you have any information that might be helpful to getting Matty the relief he so desperately needs, PLEASE contact Autumn Mattox or PowerGirl Christina Goerss. We are here to #HELP.

If you are NEW to the PowerGirl Multiverse ~ Welcome to our FREEDOM Family!! We are so happy you’ve made it this far! To follow the yellow brick road, right down the rabbit hole, and into the ‘PowerGirl Multiverse’, click here: https://linktr.ee/holyghostpower11.

To explore PowerGirl Christina’s homemade healing products and/or to FOLLOW our journey of creating an #EvenBetterNormal right here in our own small town: https://rainbowsendhumboldt.com

All copyrighted material is Fair Use and used to entertain, educate and enlighten only. We HONOR the original content and its creators. We appreciate their work and am very grateful for its contribution to our story.

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