The 2 Horizons of Advent

3 months ago

For many of us, the Season of Advent is filled with the hustle and bustle of preparing for holiday celebrations with various groups of friends and family, such that, by the end of it, we are so exhausted from all the rush that we are happy to see Christmas Day finally end the madness. As Tony Crescio ( @anthonycrescio ) discusses in this episode, the Season of Advent is in fact intended to prepare us for, not one, but two arrivals, two Advents of the Only Begotten Son of God. And, if we are not careful, we will find ourselves less prepared for both than we were when the Season of Advent began. So, how do we avoid this, and make sure we are as prepared as we can be to greet the Son of God when He arrives?

Music written and performed by Stephanie Wise

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