mRNA: Genocide-enabling Serum

3 months ago

If we look back during COVID's height.. rememeber how the public was bewildered by US Govt's insistence pushing vaccines? The behavior was sinister, suspicious. They even threatened jail, starvation, blacklisting, excommunication, etc. We were bewildered because we knew there was no real threat & there was an ulterior motive. Some speculated 'death jabs' or anti-fertility. But, it's looking more & more like a spirituality deadener aka genocide enabling serum. Lest we forget.. vaccines came a year before Palestine's genocide. If you read my Substack, starting at Sykes-Picot link, you'll understand WHITE DEVILS work in stages.. small increments .. leading to a larger goal.

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Real purpose of 9/11:
Bill Ryan:

Adderall aka legalized-prescription 'speed' deaden spirituality:
Khat is a plant which Arabs chew before going into combat (deaden spirituality):

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